
Risk Assessment 

  • We conduct an assessment to identify any potential hazards in our drama academy. Inspections are carried out by a nominated, competent member of staff to ensure the suitability of the drama areas. Inspections include:
    • The suitability of staging
    • Floor surfaces
    • Space
    • Portable appliances
    • Equipment
    • Lighting, props and storage of items
    • Assessment of any accessibility issues
  • At GDA a suitable person (or persons) acts as a drama safety co-ordinator to ensure that risks are managed effectively.
  • We develop and implement procedures for staff and students to follow whilst working in our drama academy, and ensure that these are documented.
  • We make sure that appropriate training and instruction is provided to both staff and students working in drama.
  • We ensure that arrangements are reviewed regularly and any training, instructions, or actions are recorded.
  • Any incidents or near misses must be reported and recorded by relevant staff members.

Code of Conduct

  • All staff and students are familiar with the code of conduct prior to undertaking any drama activities.
  • We ensure that all students and members of staff are wearing suitable footwear and clothing.
  • At the end of a lesson or rehearsal, a nominated staff member ensures that all equipment has been rendered safe, any appliances, props, or other items have been stored safely, and all electrical equipment used has been switched off.

Back Stage

  • Back stage areas must be kept clear of obstructions.  Where this is unavoidable they should be clearly marked and brought to the attention of the staff and students.
  • We ensure that all items are put away or returned to the props table after use.
  • Provide safe storage for costumes, make-up and similar items.
  • Restrict access to the back stage areas at all times – especially when the stage is set for a production – and dissuade other students and family members from crowding in.


  • All electrical and mechanical equipment is operated by a qualified and/or experienced operative.
  • Electrical equipment is checked regularly and checks are be recorded.
  • Any portable equipment  is given a visual check by the user before use.
  • All fixed and permanently-wired installations are inspected and tested regularly, as part of the electrical installation check.
  • Cables are kept tidy, securely tied, and properly routed.
  • Extension cable is fully unwound from any reels to avoid overheating.
  • Never work on any equipment whilst it is ‘live’, always switch off and disconnect before any work begins.

Stage Lighting

  • Stage lighting must be inspected regularly and must meet the conditions set out in the current regulations.
  • Any electrical work must be carried out by a qualified electrician.
  • Stage lights should only be changed or moved by a competent person, and never by a student.  


  • We make sure that staff, students and the audience are aware of emergency evacuation procedures.
  • All exit routes must be clearly signed, and any emergency lighting should be operative.
  • Any stage curtaining must be flame resistant, or treated with flame proofing solution.
  • A competent person should review the fire risk assessment for rehearsals and every performance.

Medical Information

It’s essential that staff and students have information on the medical conditions, especially allergies, of those involved with our drama and theatre productions. Considerations and emergency procedures include students who may react negatively to make up, paints and other substances such as smoke machines, dry ice and also laser and strobe lights.